Electricity & Magnetism: FUNdaMENTAL Principles
Electric and magnetic fields are analyzed by defining a boundary and then applying one of the fundamental principles (e.g., Faraday’s, Ampere’s, or Gauss’s laws) to that boundary. Given an electric or magnetic field that crosses a closed boundary (or surface), Faraday’s, Ampere’s, & Gauss’s laws essentially say that the sum of all of the products of the infinitesimal components of a field with all of the infinitesimal lengths (or areas) of a closed boundary are equal to some scaler value. Independent of the complexity of the field or closed boundary, they are expressed in a most general form as surface integrals of the dot products of field and boundary vectors.
Real devices can often be modelled with a two-dimensional boundary and the multi-variable calculus problem becomes a simple summation of scaler quantities. An example is the application of Ampere’s Law to the force produced by an electromagnet, where a complete magnetic circuit can be analyzed as the sum of the products of the magnetic field intensities H aligned with the path and perpendicular to cross sectional areas A.
When applying the fundamental laws to magnetic (or electric) circuits, the magnetic flux (or current) through each components in series is equal (they form a voltage divider), and the magnetomotive force (or voltage) through components in parallel is equal (they form a current divider). Gustav Robert Kirchoff (1824-1887) wrote these laws of closed electric circuits in 1845, which are now known as Kirchoff's Current and Voltage Laws: The sum of voltage drops around a circuit will be equal to the voltage drop for the entire circuit. In fact, the laws for magnetic and electric circuits (and also for fluid circuits!) are similar as shown in Table 1, and by Ohm’s law:
Consider the force of attraction between an electromagnet and an object1. For the figure shown, it can be assumed that the reluctance in the magnetic circuit is dominated by the air (permeability μo) in the region with gap δ and area A. Applying Ampere’s law yields:
The magnetic flux Φ also passes through the center of each turn of the coil. Faraday’s law says that this will induce a voltage in each turn of the coil. Since each turn is linked in series, the total magnetic flux linked together by the coils is λ = NΦ, where λ is called the flux linkage. The definition of inductance L is λ = Li, and since inductance in an electrical system is like mass in a mechanical system, and current is like velocity, the energy (work) U and hence the attraction force are:
磁通量会通过每圈线圈的中心。法拉第定律表明,每圈线圈会产生电压。由于每圈线圈都是串联的,所以总的磁通量和为λ = NΦ,其中λ叫做磁通匝数。磁感应的定义为λ = Li,由于电路中的磁感应相当于机械系统中的质量,电流可以看作是速度,能量为U的话,可以得出吸力为:
Now would be a good time to review your electricity and magnetism notes and text from your freshman physics course!
1. Many thanks to Prof. Jeff Lang for providing this clear explanation of a simplified system. For an in-depth discussion of this and other related topics, see Electromechanical Dynamics, HH Woodson and JR Melcher, John Wiley & Sons, 1968, Volumes I & II