
Deterministic Design: Risk Management 


Imagine the first time you thought to ask someone out on a date (if you never have, maybe this will help)! Popular media parodies the pleasures and perils; however, we exist and that means we have parents; therefore the process must work and be worth it! That first luscious lackadaisical life form that caught your eye, the uncertainty, what if you were rejected? The shame, the embarrassment, oh how could you do it?! Finally, one day, you just did it, and you know what? The life form laughed and ran away! At that point you thought to become a hermit, but then a voice inside you said “Hey, that wasn’t so hard, and even though I got laughed at, it means I can do it again because I have parents so it’s bound to work sooner or later!” The next time, you focus on a life form in shop class with a very high IQ, and before you finish asking the question, they ask you what time they should meet you for a game of chess! 


Thus it often is with engineering design. Too often we get enamored with a sexy design that tempts us to run after it, while it remains aloof and unobtainable, when a little bit of forethought would have made us realize the futility of our fantasies. Once again, applying good engineering practice prevails: Dream your wildest fantasies, but then carefully evaluate them, including performing analysis. Which classes and clubs are they in? What chat rooms do they visit? Who are their friends? What is their favorite machine tool? What CAD program do they like best? What languages can they code? Run some experiments such as ask a friend to see help casually determine if there might be any interest. Then make casual conversation about what a great time you had in the shop this weekend. All projects have risks, which represent the potential to succeed, so learn to identify and assess risks, and manage them by best engineering practice, having a contingency plan, and learning when to use it. 

同样,机械设计也有这些尴尬之处。曾几何时,我们执念于一个完美的设计而不敢自拔。但是设计本身玄而又玄,我们又不得其法。只要冷静下里,提早分析,就会发现这样的完美设计只不过是幻想罢了。再一次,最佳工程实践还是更靠谱:尽情狂想,但是要仔细客观的审视他们。整个比赛,就是一场约会而已。花点时间,了解自己的队员和同学吧。大家都有什么爱好?他们喜欢去哪个教室?他们有哪些朋友圈?他们最爱的机床是哪个?他们喜欢用什么设计软件?他们喜欢那种程序语言? 勇敢的找一些感兴趣的朋友,在实验过程中稍微的聊上那么几句,并告诉对方你很享受这周在实验室的时间。所有的项目都有风险,但也是机遇。只要你学会发现和决定风险,通过最佳工程实践加以管理,想一些备选方案来应急的话,你就不必担心失败了。

Risk is inherent in every project and good engineers must never make decisions based on hope or hype. If you find yourself praying for success, you likely did not design deterministically! Religion can be a wonderful part of your life, but it should not be part of the engineering design process. Facts, calculations and data are essential to making good decisions:


 • First and foremost, do a safety assessment to ensure that the concept is inherently safe, or make sure that you have plans for safety devices.


 • Search and see if someone else has already solved the problem, and if they have, reverse engineer their solution to see if you can create a better idea:


 • Use the Internet or the scientific method to get the facts:


 • Formulate a hypothesis, analyze or experiment, torture the data, and draw conclusions.


 • Preliminarily analyze the idea for power, geometry, and complexity:


 • Create a power and force analysis to see if you have enough to do what's required in the time allotted.


 • Evaluate motion and space (packaging) requirements.


 • Estimate the number and types of modules and parts that will be required, and seek to minimize their numbers! 


Deterministic design requires continuous risk assessment and identification of contingencies should the risk prove too great or the schedule not allow further investigation:


 • Lower Risk Design:


 • If you can confidently create an analytical model for a design, then it is likely that the path you are following is "safe" and is low risk.


 • The design has been done many times before, and you merely have to scale or copy the solution and focus on implementation


. • Higher Risk Design


 • If it is hard to analytically model a design, BUT the design has fewer parts and has the promise of elegance, it is a risky design that is worth investigating


 • Such designs might be developed using advanced computer models and/or bench level experiments or prototypes


 • Continually evaluate the risk to see if it is subsiding as engineering progresses. Keep an eye on the schedule and be prepared to revert to your contingency plan.


 • Always have a lower-risk alternate design as a contingency plan! 


Review your different strategies and reassess risks and possible countermeasures to minimize risk. Where risk has the potential for big payoff, make sure you have a solid easy-to-implement contingency plan. This often can be accomplished with redundant or alternative modules that can be incorporated into the risky strategy. 

