
Topic 1       Design is a Passionate Process

一、  设计-富有激情的创作过程

Long before any design project starts, the design engineer has to believe that there is a problem that is worthy of their attention. The design engineer must feel a need to solve the problem. The design engineer must have a yearning to solve the problem. The design engineer must be passionate about solving the problem!


However, one must be very careful about managing one’s passion, lest one’s excitedness overshadows true opportunity. In the world of business, it does not matter if the design engineer passionately creates a product that does not meet customer needs. Passion means little if the design is tainted by ignorance and inattention to detail.


This book is thus very much about exploring ways to turn unstructured problems into FUN structured opportunities! Passion is a necessary, but not sufficient, component of a good design engineer’s effort to solve a problem. Accordingly, this chapter introduces design as a passionate process to be carried out in a careful, systematic, deterministic manner catalyzed with random hyper adrenalin driven bursts of super creativity!


The notion that design can be studied or implemented as a process may seem oxymoronic to many creative people. Indeed, any good “design process” should allow even the most complex design to be broken up into manageable stages that encourage and catalyze free-spirited creative thinking and deterministic analysis. During each stage, the design engineer can focus on a portion of the problem with an appropriate amount of left and right brain effort. For example, when envisioning new vehicle, one need not be too concerned with bolt stresses; such details will come later in the detail phase.

对于某些有创造性思维的人来说,设计过程能够被系统的研究和实施是这么的荒谬和矛盾。事实上,任何好的设计过程都应该能把即使最复杂的设计分成几个可以管理的阶段,并且还能够在激发创造性思维的同时保持确定性的分析。在每个设计环节,设计师都可以专注分析本环节内的问题。 例如, 设计一款新的汽车时,诸如螺栓应力之类的问题就不需要太过担心。这些细节,会在详细设计阶段解决。

Most design processes typically involve repeating essentially the same steps as the design funnels down from broad concepts to details. Once the designer learns the fundamentals of a process, they can easily apply it over and over again as the design evolves from the concept to the detail phase. A good design process should be simple, flexible, and applicable to just about any problem one can think of.


So read and study with 􀀼Passion􀀼while thinking about how to design a better robot for your favorite robot competition, or how to design a fun weekend!

